Frequently Asked Questions

Who are we? We are are the Peterson Family. We saw the need for educational entertainment for children in our county and decided to risk everything (sell our home, all our possessions, put our local welding business on hold etc.) to bring you Mendo LEAP. LEAP stands for Learn, Explore and Adapt through Play. We aim to empower the children and their caregivers of this county by providing a clean, safe, place to play through our specially curated equipment designed to enhance a wide range of developmental purposes and enhance a greater knowledge and pride in our beautiful county we all call home. We couldn’t find the property or building we needed to build Mendocino County’s first Children’s Discovery Museum. So we decided to open this boutique location to give you all a small taste of what your support is bringing to our county!

What do we offer? We offer a play area for those of all ages and abilities to explore with Mendocino county themed stations (highlighting Glass Beach, Montgomery Woods State Reserve, Russian Gulch Waterfalls and our famous Drive Thru Chandelier Tree. We also boast a makers space for the older kids (and younger with supervision) to hone their arts and crafts skills and a Caregivers Lounge carefully designed to give you full view of the entire facility so you can relax while you supervise your children. We have partnered with local occupational and physical therapists who have examined our equipment and compiled benefits and strategies of use, of which we have placed on posters throughout the facility for your empowerment.

How does it work? We are a ‘pay to play’ facility. You pay a small fee ($15/child/2hrs) and you get access to our abundantly supplied facility. You do need to stay with your children in the facility at all times. We are not a licensed child care so we cannot ‘care’ for your children while they are here. But we have designed our space around you. With comfy couches, soft sounds, yummy coffee/snack bar available for purchase. Weather you need a place to get out of the house to play WITH your child or you need them to go play so you can get some remote work done (while still keeping an eye out for them!) we have designed our space to cater to you.


We are Vendors! We are so excited to be working with the Redwood Coast Regional Center by providing our facility use for their clients!

We are Vendors! We are excited to now be a vendor for Lake View Charter School’s Homeschool Students!

Licensed Drop Off Care: We hope to get licensed soon to be able to offer drop-off care; for when you just need a couple hour break, or want to go grocery shopping without your child. Follow us on social media for when we get to offer that exciting perk!

Memberships: We offer monthly memberships!!!

Larger Facility: For over a year now we have been actively looking at properties and facilities and have yet to find the perfect location for us to expand into. Your continued patronage helps get us all one step closer and adds more features to the designs/plans as we search for the perfect location to expand into! If you or someone you know has a property or facility that we can use please reach out to us!